Monday 17 October 2011

Homeless Left in the Cold

Neo-conservatives have a very strong view about poverty and people with social problems. They believe that everyone should provide for their own needs through working, saving money and finding housing. However, if people do not carry out these tasks they are considered to be lazy, inferior and are at high risk to encounter problems. They believe that people’s problems are of their own making and when they are in trouble or ill it is up to the family to provide help. People do not deserve help from the government or other hard working citizens. Neo-conservatives believe helping those who cannot help themselves reinforces a poor work ethic, dependence on government and discourages people from helping themselves. Social problems are personal problems and are attributed to individual weakness, deviance, genetics and the person’s dysfunctional family. The focus is on the individual and the family as the source of the problem. This view does not consider the impact of the larger social environment on personal problems. Neo-conservatives are hostile towards social welfare. They believe the services provided by the state weaken familiar sources such as the family and churches. Therefore, providing welfare weakens people’s ability to provide for themselves over the long term (Mullaly, 2007).
An article entitled Cutbacks leave homeless in the cold discusses how the amount of help to the homeless has been reduced by the government decreasing the amount of shelter beds in Vancouver. This article is about how the government of British Columbia has decided to cut support for temporary homeless shelters in the city. Although they have opened new low rental housing units there are four shelters the province has chosen not to support. Social advocates explain that the need for temporary shelters is still there. Their concern is based on a prediction of a cold winter for Vancouver and there is the fear that some homeless people will be on the streets trying to survive this winter. The government is not listening to the people who are advocating keeping the shelters open. Their argument is the number of homeless people on the streets has decreased (Mickleburgh, 2011). This article represents neo-conservatism because the government is cutting some of their help towards the homeless people and not helping to provide for their needs. It follows the idea that social problems are individual problems.
From a social work perspective the government cutting back support on homeless shelters is putting vulnerable people at risk. The profession of social work believes in humanitarianism, community and equality of all people. Social workers would be critical of the government removing support because they support government intervention in society. They advocate for social justice and believe that social priorities should dominate economic decisions (Mullaly, 2007). The government’s solution of providing low rental housing might not provide for the same demographic group as those using the shelters. The people going into low rental housing generally have more resources than many of those using homeless shelters. Social workers would support these people’s transitions. However, they would see that the homeless need places to sleep and they cannot provide for themselves. Social workers support humanitarianism which means improving the lives of other people. They would not agree with the government cutting back their support because some people may be left outside without beds and shelter. This action is not building a sense of community but rather division. The government should see the poor as a priority and not remove their support of the shelters. The field of social work values all people should be treated with respect and dignity. The government should participate to help those people who are unable to help themselves. I believe that the government should not cut back their support for shelters because as a result some people will not have places to stay for the night out of the cold during the winter. In this article the government is not listening to the needs of the people. They are making changes that are not improving some people’s lives but instead are creating obstacles. The most vulnerable people’s health may be in danger. This action is not looking out for their wellbeing and best interest.

Mickleburgh, R. (2011, October 11). Cutbacks leave homeless in the cold. The Globe and Mail. Retrieved from

Mullaly, B. (2007). The new structural social work (3rd Ed.). Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press.



  1. Great post Lori, I completely agree with you here. I think that the government needs to realize what's going on and stop cutting funding for shelters in Vancouver. I lived there for awhile and couldn't believe the poverty and if they keep this up (like you mentioned in your blog) people with have no place to go.


  2. I found it interesting how you mentioned the government's creation of low rental housing in lieux of supporting homeless shelters. While I agree that homeless shelters are important for those who are unable to afford a place to live, I can understand the neoconservative connection to the deserving and undeserving poor. I suspect that in a neoconservative mindset, the creation of low rental housing is only meant to support those who are deserving of the housing (ie. have a job) because social welfare alone would not suffice to pay for those units. The low rent housing units would also promote neoconservative ideal that individuals should take responsibilty for themselves and their family. Shelters on the other hand, would support ideas that go against the neoconservative ideals; they would be used by those who do not wish to take responsibilty of their own lives and/or those who are simply too lazy to support themselves.


  3. I really enjoyed reading this post! I agree with you that the government should provide a place for those in need but with limitations so that those who receive these services can better then selves. If they were to continue to expand and put more money into these programs people will be less likely to want to help themselves. With limitations this should be an incentive to those in need to work hard and do for themselves.

    - Marcia M
