There are many stereotype’s that are being place on women, wither its that they can’t work the tough jobs because there weak, thus needing to depend on a male figure or for the reason that they are the care givers, the ones who are supposed to stay home take care of the children and cook food for their family. Women’s poverty is clearly not high on the policy agenda of the current federal government. In fact, since coming to power in 2006, initiatives taken by the Harper Conservatives have seriously undermined progress towards achieving equality for women and reducing women’s poverty. Status of Women Canada’s mandate to promote women’s equality was withdrawn, implying these activities were no longer necessary. Funding for research activities designed to document women’s inequality has also been withdrawn. (Townson, 2009). I believe the government is failing its part in protecting its citizens, by dismissing the issue on poverty among women, it’s unacceptable.
As feminist try to advocate the equal rights of women, and how women experience a different social world and social state then men (Mullaly, 2007); there are different groupings, which in the bigger picture have the common goal to end gender inequality. I personally would agree more along the lines of a social feminist, believing feminism is more than just issues that are relevant here in the western world, including women of all races, all classes, and all ages (“What Kind,” 2008).
I believe the struggles that women face on daily basis should be read and listened out loud, not read and later ignored but to do something about it right away. Many woman are suffering and this shouldn’t be happening. Both men and women are the same, minus the biological factors that is of course. Women shouldn’t feel like their living under men shadows, women are people who have feelings and should be treated fairly in society, regardless of their gender.
- Hannah
Mullaly, B. (2007). Feminist, Anti-Racist, and Postmodern Critique. In The New Structural Social Work (3rd ed., pp. 159-186). Toronto, ON: Oxford University Press.
Townson, Monica. (2009, September). Women’s Poverty and the Recession. Retrieved from http://www.policyalternatives.ca/sites/default/files/uploads/publications/National_Office_Pubs/2009/Womens_Poverty_in_the_Recession.pdf.
What Kind of Feminist Are You?. (2008, May 19). ASU's Womens Studies Club. Retrieved November 13, 2011, from http://asuwsc.wetpaint.com/page/What+Kind+of+Feminist+Are+You%3F/history.
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